Over twenty years teaching, developing lessons and conducting professional development - coupled with fiction and film writing - is who I am. Family, education and writing define what I love.
Over twenty years teaching, developing lessons and conducting professional development - coupled with fiction and film writing - is who I am. Family, education and writing define what I love.
n 1816 Mary Godwin (Shelley) and poet-philosopher Percy Shelley traveled to Geneva, Switzerland to spend the summer with their friend Lord Byron. They whiled away their time on the waterfront boating, writing and talking late into many summer nights.
This was the summer in which Frankenstein was conceived. Research suggests that Mary, Percy, Lord Byron and Byron’s guest, physician and writer, John Polidori, decided, at the suggestion of Lord Byron, to have a competition to see who could write the best supernatural story.
It seems the summer was rainy and the group spent many hours amusing themselves reading German ghost stories and were thusly inspired. Shortly thereafter Mary Godwin had a waking dream and Frankenstein was born. Mary was 19-years-old.
Also, born of the same competition was the most famous of John Polidori's works: The Vampyre. This story was originally credited to Lord Byron; however, both he and Polidori attested it was indeed conceived and written by Polidori. Contained within this publication: Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, John Polidori’s The Vampyre plus an excerpt from The Life and Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley by Julian Marshall and an excerpt from the Selected English Letters (XV-XIX) arranged by M. Duckitt and H. Wragg (1913).
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
John Polidori’s The Vampyre
Plus an excerpt from: The Life and Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley by Julian Marshall
Excerpt from: Selected English Letters (XV-XIX Centuries) Arranged by M. DUCKITT & H. WRAGG 1913
Table of Contents
Frankenstein page 5
Original Manuscript Page from Frankenstein 1816
The Letters and Life of Mary Wollstoncraft Shelley Chapters 1,2 and 3
Selected English Letters for Primary Source Analysis
No Prep Novel Unit with section summaries, quizzes, Socratic Seminars, activities...differentiated.
Also contains, study guide, activity templates, vocabulary and Common Core aligned lessons to accompany Mary Shelley's classic novel "Frankenstein".
The comprehension activities included herein are designed to spark learning and thinking, while partner activities will inspire critical thinking in both challenged and Advanced Placement learners. Dozens of reproducible student lessons are included as well as notes on chapter content, theme, genre and much more.
This interactive teacher's guide will help you help your students gain a better understanding and appreciation of Mary Shelley and one of the greatest literary works of all time...Frankenstein.
Frankenstein Lessons for 21st Century Learning
Creativity, Communication, Cooperation and Critical Thinking.
This book is designed with both repeating and scaffolding activities to help teachers help all learners access this timeless classic.
"Bible Study Quick Writes" are a fast and fun way for youth to learn the Bible – while getting in some writing and word practice as they go. Ten minutes - from start to finish - is all it takes for youth to analyze, think critically, reflect and learn His word.
This devotional is designed for Sixth Grade students is designed to help students, study school learners, kids attending catechism, homeschoolers -- all children -- travel through Bible verse study while getting an understanding of the goodness and strength of the Lord. This 124-page devotional workbook for youth 11-15 is perfect for use as warm-ups, bell ringers, for whole class study, homeschool, CCD, at the beginning of Sunday School lessons and more. Both homeschool and private school students will benefit from learning the Bible in five to ten minutes per day.
Five Minutes to Fluency and Comprehension is a research-based program that easily fits into any busy school day. Five minutes, from start to finish, as students peer read, one and two minute strategically worded passages and stories, partner review and then provide instant feedback.
Five Minutes to Fluency and Comprehension offers a quick, simple and inexpensive way to increase fluency and comprehension. The program is for classroom use, but can easily be incorporated into take home or parent involvement activities.
The instructions are easy to follow, best of all, Five Minutes to Fluency and Comprehension is easy to differentiate, adapt as close readings and effortlessly incorporate Response to Intervention into a whole class or individual setting.
Imperative for understanding, critical thinking and 21st Century learning is the ability for students to analyze primary source documents.
Included in this lesson are copies of the original, handwritten versions of the Emancipation Proclamation, a typewritten "Interactive Reader" version for analysis, student instructions on analyzing primary sources and a Source Document Graphic Organizer.
Primary sources provide a window into the past—unfiltered access to the record of artistic, social, scientific and political thought and achievement during the specific period under study, produced by people who lived during that period.
Bringing young people into close contact with these unique, often profoundly personal, documents and objects can give them a very real sense of what it was like to be alive during a long-past era.
"Bible Study Quick Writes" are a fast and fun way for primary aged children to learn the Bible – while getting in some writing and word practice as they go.
This devotional is designed for Third Grade students and incorporates cursive practice as well. This version also comes without Cursive practice!
Students, homeschoolers -- all children -- travel through Bible verse study while getting an understanding of the goodness and strength of the Lord. This 122-page devotional for children 7-9 is perfect for use as warm-ups, bell ringers, for whole class study, homeschool and more.
Both homeschool and private school students will benefit from learning the Bible in five to ten minutes per day.
These daily Graces or Devotions are intended to be quick writes. They are perfect for the beginning of the day, the beginning of class periods or end of the day activities. They are aligned with the standards and 21st Century skills in that each verse touches on a standard that is required for college admission, while not sacrificing the strength of His work. Each Quick Write begins with a Bible Verse and extends to the world in which students live today.
The Daily Devotion takes Bible passages and requires students to think and write about things important to them, things happening in their lives – relevant to their world. By connecting standards, His Word and their lives – students gain a greater understanding of the teachings of our Lord and Savior – and gain valuable reading and writing skills required for college in the process.
These Devotions also present an opportunity for Creativity, Collaboration, Cooperation and Critical Thinking – if desired. Each Devotion requires students to look within themselves, reflect how they are living and how they can find their place in the world and with the Holy Spirit in their heart, but they also present opportunities for teachers to have students write and share their ideas, insights, strengths and weaknesses with partners and the whole – in order to maximize engagement.
Journeys through Reading – Grade 5 – is a series of English Language Arts lessons that allows students to incorporate engaging and essential ELA themes and standards while learning about fun places to visit. Perfect for centers, early finishers, ESL, intervention and more.
Disneyland: Fantasyland 2: Storybook Canal Boats – contain 9-print and go pages of activities that include: fluency practice, comprehension, word play, informational text study and more.
Perfect for whole class, groups, pairs, intervention, centers and more. Use with the entire Journey series for a comprehensive fifth grade program. Works for summer school as well.
• Nine pages in color and also in black and white for printing ease
• Great for students learning English
• Great for early finishers
• Work in pairs for intervention
Students practice reading, writing and speaking skills
• Access their creativity
• Learn new words
• Learn about new places
Key Ideas and Details:
Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text.
Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text.
Craft and Structure:
Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject area.
Compare and contrast the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in two or more texts.
Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic, noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they represent.
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas:
Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently.
Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text, identifying which reasons and evidence support which point(s).
Integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.
This is a well-rounded poetry lesson including a PPT on Types of Poems and one on Literary Devices and other important aspects of poetry.
This is standards-aligned and comes with 15 poem templates for students to write poetry and create their own chapbooks.
Literary Device Quiz
Synonym Poem template
List Poems template
Three Word Forms template
I Don't Understand template
Autobiographical 2
Formula Poem
Sense Poem
Bull Durham Credo
Simile Poem
Free Verse
This No Prep Book Unit is a companion to “The Rough-Face Girl” an Algonquin Cinderella Story and contains pages and pages of interactive, cross-curricular and engaging activities -- all standards-aligned. This print-and-go unit contains interactive journal pages, a review of Cinderella Elements, essays, social studies assignments, quizzes and a whole lot more. Differentiated for use with the whole class.
Table of Contents
Cinderella Elements
#1: Rough-Face Girl Problem Solution Interactive Notebook Page
#2: Rough-Face Girl Character Traits RL.3
#3: Character Traits RL.3
#4: Critical Thinking Literature Questions Interactive Notebook Page
#5: Ask and Answer Questions on Illustrations RL.7
#6: Inferring RL.6
#7: Rough-Face Girl – What do you think? RL.1 and 3
#8: Problem/Solution Interactive Notebook Page RL.5
#9: Critical Thinking Questions
#10: About Rough-Face Girl RL 1 and 2
#11: Recounting Rough-Face Girl
#12: Character Motivation and Evidence RL.5
#13: Read and Illustrate The Algonquin Cinderella
#14 Rough-Face Girl : Character Conflicts RL.1 and 3
#15 Sentence Sorting RL.2 2, 4, 6, 7, 5, 3,1
#16 From Sentence Sorting to Essay Writing RL1 and 2
#17: Quick Write: Compare and Contrast RL.9
#18: Text-to-Text RL.9
#19: I Can Answer Questions About the Text RL.1
#20: Theme
#21: Moral RL.2
#22: Inferring RL.6
#23 Retell the Story through your Favorite Drawings RL.7
#24: Cause and Effect
#25: The Rough-Face Girl Report Card
#26: The Rough-Face Girl Book Review
#27: Questions Along the Way
Rubric for Constructed Response
This No Prep Book Unit is a companion to “Naya: The Inuit Cinderella” by Brittany Marceau-Chenkle and contains over thirty pages of interactive, cross-curricular and engaging activities -- all standards-aligned. This print-and-go unit contains interactive journal pages, a review of Cinderella Elements, essays, social studies assignments, quizzes and a whole lot more. Differentiated for use with the whole class.
Table of Contents
Cinderella Elements
#1: Naya The Inuit Cinderella Problem Solution Interactive Notebook Page
#2: Naya The Inuit Cinderella Character Traits RL.3
#3: Character Traits RL.3
#4: Critical Thinking Literature Questions Interactive Notebook Page
#5: Ask and Answer Questions on Illustrations RL.7
#6: Inferring RL.6
#7: Naya The Inuit Cinderella – What do you think? RL.1 and 3
#8: Problem/Solution Interactive Notebook Page RL.5
#9: Critical Thinking Questions
#10: About Naya The Inuit Cinderella RL 1 and 2
#11: Recounting Naya The Inuit Cinderella
#12: Character Motivation and Evidence RL.5
#13: Visualize the Future
#14 Naya The Inuit Cinderella: Character Conflicts RL.1 and 3
#15 Sentence Sorting RL.2 1, 7, 4, 5, 3, 6, 2
#16 From Sentence Sorting to Essay Writing RL1 and 2
#17: Quick Write: Compare and Contrast RL.9
#18: Text-to-Text RL.9
#19: I Can Answer Questions About the Text RL.1
#20: Notes to Author: Critical Thinking Activity
#21: Moral RL.2
#22: Inferring RL.6
#23 Retell the Story through your Favorite Drawings RL.7
#24: Cause and Effect
#25: The Naya The Inuit Cinderella Report Card
#26: The Naya The Inuit Cinderella Book Review
#27: Non-Fiction Quick Write – The Inuit
#28: Non-Fiction Quick Write – Abut the Author
#29: Thinking Along the Way
#30: Think, Question and Analyze
#31: Book Review
Rubric for Constructed Response
“Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” Formative Assessment based on Tenniel’s Pictures
An engaging formative assessment has students demonstrating comprehension based on Tenniel’s pictures from the original book!
Check out my other “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” resources and a big Bundle at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/elizabethpinotti
Perfect for student differentiation and intervention – this PowerPoint helps you walk students through writing a paragraph – that transitions into an essay. Student Template included.
Check out my other “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” resources and a big Bundle at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/elizabethpinotti
Perfect for student differentiation and intervention – this PowerPoint helps you walk students the themes and motifs of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
Check out my other “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” resources and a big Bundle at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/elizabethpinotti
Bible Study Quick Writes are a fast and fun way for primary aged students to learn the Bible – while getting in some writing and word practice as they go. Students travel through Bible verses and the Lord’s Prayer while getting an understanding of the goodness and strength of the Lord.
This 126-page devotional for primary students is perfect for warm-ups, as bell ringers, for whole class study and more. Both homeschool and private school students will benefit from learning the Bible in five to ten minutes per day.
Show Me the Money: Sight Word Game is an engaging way for students to practice and learn site words -- as they work on their money math skills on the side.
Great as a warm-up, for the whole class, as home work or pair word. Super for intervention and ESL
Included: Over 450 Sight Word game cards, money template and instructions.
Easy Prep:Game Prep:
Whole class Instructions
1. Copy and cut out one site word set for each pair of students
a. You may copy the site word cards on plane paper, card stock or use Avery Business Card 5371 stock
2. Copy and cut lots of money! Or use any play money you have. If you are copying money – use colored paper
3. Put each set of words in a baggie, Add money
Differentiated site word practice.
Over 140 pages of sight word printables -- These blackline masters help students learn site words by reading passages and writing sentences -- and then repeating the process.
Sight words are the most commonly used words in reading and writing and represent about 67% of words students encounter in daily text. These words are often grouped and learned by grade level. The site words contained herein are the first one hundred, plus essential words from subsequent lists designed to help struggling and early readers recognize them automatically.
The following passages are great for increasing the fluency of beginning readers. They start out easy and become increasingly difficult, but not too difficult. The passages may be used as bell ringers, buddy work and homework practice, or all three, as research indicates that repeated reading of the same passage helps increase fluency. The passages are basic and enable students to read from simple to more complex sentences as they become more familiar with the particular site word around which each passage is written.
Research also indicates that memorizing site words by list is less effective and less desirable than through authentic passage reading and writing exercises. The value of identifying and truly learning site words exists within reading practice and even phonics lessons (Farrell, Osenga and Hunter, 2013) that mimic genuine reading work. That’s why we’ve designed our worksheets to isolate each word, put it in a passage and then require students to think about the word as they write their own sentences and then go back and re-read what they wrote.
Check out my other resources at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/elizabethpinotti
The ultimate teaching tool to Harper Lee's best-selling Go Set a Watchman.” Complete with historical background your students need to fully understand the context of the plot, themes and symbolism -- this guide contains non-fiction assignments, differentiated instruction technique hints and assignments, universal access lessons and interactive notebook templates and that is just the beginning. This unit is print-n-go, no prep.
Each section of the novel is summarized and analyzed and contains comprehension quizzes, Socratic Seminar notes, assignments and much more.
Links are included for extra resources -- as well as exclusive access to teaching PowerPoints -- aligned with this essential novel study.
Also includes Timeline Towards Desegregation from 1857 Dred Scott to 1955 Brown vs. Board of Education with R.A.F.T. assignment, historical source document analysis, interactive journal pages and, again, much more.
Table of Contents
A Quick and Dirty Guide to Go Set a Watchman 5
Themes 7
Symbols 8
Characters 9
A Quick and Dirty Guide to Literary Elements 10
R.A.F.T. Assignment – Historical Background Assignment 11
Pre-Reading R.A.F.T Student Pages 14
Go Set a Watchman Novel Unit 17
With Summaries and Analysis for Each Section
Comprehension Quizzes for Each Section
Historical Non-Fiction Text Assignments
Other Assignments and Graphic Organizers
Go Set a Watchman Final Exam 48
Common Core State Standards Literature Assignments 51
Socratic Discussion/Seminar with Rubric 62
Go Set a Watchman Interactive Notebook 65
Templates and Assignments for Universal Access
Answers and Information 102
FREEBIE FOR BLACK HISTORY MONTH. ELEVEN Reading Comprehension Daily Reading and Writing Warm-Ups are aligned to the Common Core State Standards and help to foster the 21st Century higher order thinking skills necessary in today's world. Not your ordinary multiple-choice bell-ringers, but learning tasks designed to engage students and get them thinking.
Eleven in all , these Daily Reading and Writing Warm-Ups are themed for any day of the school year and are written at reading levels from 4th through 8th grades.
FREEBIE - WINTER OLYMPIC THEMEDPrint-and-Go Readers - a series of engaging English Language Arts and social studies lessons that allows students to incorporate high interest topics with essential ELA, math and social studies themes and standards while learning about the Winter Olympics. Perfect for centers, early finishers, homework, whole class CCSS work, SPaG and more.
High Interest Content!
This 34-page Olympic themed unit contains tons activities that include: fluency practice, comprehension, word play, informational text , grammar, word study and more.
Perfect for whole class, groups, pairs, intervention, centers and more. Use with the entire Print-n-Go series for a comprehensive fourt/fifth grade program. Works for summer school as well. Super for advanced fourth and to reinforce sixth grade skills as well.
• 34- pages in color and also included
• Great for students learning English
• Great for early finishers
• Work in pairs for intervention
Students practice reading, writing, grammar, critical thinking and 21st century skills
• Access their creativity
• Learn new words
• Learn about new places